Baeconandeggs Prompt Adoption

bacon & eggs

Welcome to the official Baekyeol fest and exchange! We hope that you loved and enjoyed BAE2023 and are interested in adopting a prompt that was left unclaimed. Prompt adoption will be available for the general public on June 14 – 30, 2023 KST.


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BAE2020 Reveals, Messages, and Announcement!

bacon & eggs

Welcome to the official Baekyeol fest & exchange! It has been another year filled with fanfics and love but we have finally come to a close. The entries have been posted and we are very much excited to reveal the amazing authors. But, let us have a few words first.

The mods are very thankful to the following participants:

xiaolianhua | bubsyeol | baekyeolkr | halCYonstars | ambrosiann | gummybear_pcy | ACatWhoWrites | masaringo | behkhoon | hapkido9061 | exobubz | agrippa | nikkitaaaaa | Ryunick | baekyall | sxhbbh | bucheonsbabe | WhoYouNotMe | oraceon | hypocriticalkiss | sleepybaekkie | Baekbootie | candybaeks | kawnashi | iexoeris | abs2891 | Wakarl | wulfpup | punkrightnow | thejourneyseemsendless | rainsblankpage | kumo_is_kumo | theyeoltimate | Blooming_Day | thatSlytheringirl | BamBamthewolf | ExoAsLife | Satanvale | bleuhouse | Fleursdexo | exhoechanbaek | ParkBaekkie | LoeyBaekery | hyunchanee_exo | JJC | nikka14 | kyoongyeol | Softchanty drtychnbk | ladyliliah | Marizzza891 | bbyrain | kyoongberry | lecksie31 | starrykwaii | coldplay | Klavier | kiffypoof | cbseung | yeolimerent | pcysarcasm | yeolsgot_theguns | Stephaniesomelette | jongincident | Chanology | baekyeolangst | ohsehunseoul BlazeJones | lordkrisdemort | towardsthestars | krissuwu | chanyeoloving | lolistar92 | HunnieDae | baekpupniyeol | honey_peach | uwubyun | mintokki | chanbabie | tulipsNroses | whatisachanbaek | koizoras | HunIka | YatLuvB | Justawriter68 | | baekmochi04 | subloey | likelikeLove | woowa | SuperBaekTrash | ripefruityeolda | Leelia | xinghly | Cloverlovexo | cottoncheeks | fluffybrowniees | loeysbaby | Happy_Byun | Misun | suhologist | aestaeticism| jellybyunee214 | chanbaekedt | Biancanoir1001 |

We would like to give our sincerest thanks to our pinch hitters: halCYonstars, exobubz, baekyeolkr

And to the writers who wished to be anonymous.

And thank you too to the betas, friends, readers, and those who had given so much comments for giving this exchange much love and support. We have a total of 107 entries, with a total of approximately 2,895,924 words!

Congratulations to xinghly for guessing the most (20) entries and authors! Good job, baecon!

Continue reading “BAE2020 Reveals, Messages, and Announcement!”

2020 Masterlist


baecon & eggs

Welcome back to another year of Baekyeol fest & exchange! This is the masterlist for our 19-2020 round. All stories are organized based on the day that they were posted.

We encourage all readers to leave behind comments, but keep in mind that all of the authors have worked hard to produce their work and overcame many challenges along the way. Refrain from writing unwarranted, negative comments. Not all authors would like criticism. The mods appreciate the love and support you have given this fest, but none of this would have been possible without the writers who joined!

Without further ado, we share with you BAE’s 6th round, #BAE2020. Enjoy!


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Prompting Guidelines

baecon & eggs

Welcome to the official Baekyeol fest! This is the Prompting post. It includes general rules, examples, and the format that we would like you to submit your prompts in. We welcome all new readers and writers as well as those who have been with us previously. We will always encourage you to do your best and help you as part of our family so we welcome all of your creative ideas, prompts, and stories so that this year will be just as memorable as the rest!

Highlights of The Rules

  • We’ll be using a google form for promptings. The link will be posted in this post on NOVEMBER 6.
  • Completely fill up the prompting form.
  • DO NOT copy/steal a prompt from someone else.
  • ONE prompt per form. You may send another prompt through another form.
  • We will require you to include your email and twitter username. All identifications will be confidential. We need this just in case a participant will claim your prompt and have questions for you.
  • Google will automatically send you a copy of your prompt.
  • All prompters as REQUIRED to tag their prompts if they have possible triggers. Please refer to THIS POST for possible triggers.
  • Baekhyun/Chanyeol must be the main pairing in your prompts.
  • No dynamic preferences (top/bottom).
  • No polyamorous relationships.

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