BAE2020 Reveals, Messages, and Announcement!

bacon & eggs

Welcome to the official Baekyeol fest & exchange! It has been another year filled with fanfics and love but we have finally come to a close. The entries have been posted and we are very much excited to reveal the amazing authors. But, let us have a few words first.

The mods are very thankful to the following participants:

xiaolianhua | bubsyeol | baekyeolkr | halCYonstars | ambrosiann | gummybear_pcy | ACatWhoWrites | masaringo | behkhoon | hapkido9061 | exobubz | agrippa | nikkitaaaaa | Ryunick | baekyall | sxhbbh | bucheonsbabe | WhoYouNotMe | oraceon | hypocriticalkiss | sleepybaekkie | Baekbootie | candybaeks | kawnashi | iexoeris | abs2891 | Wakarl | wulfpup | punkrightnow | thejourneyseemsendless | rainsblankpage | kumo_is_kumo | theyeoltimate | Blooming_Day | thatSlytheringirl | BamBamthewolf | ExoAsLife | Satanvale | bleuhouse | Fleursdexo | exhoechanbaek | ParkBaekkie | LoeyBaekery | hyunchanee_exo | JJC | nikka14 | kyoongyeol | Softchanty drtychnbk | ladyliliah | Marizzza891 | bbyrain | kyoongberry | lecksie31 | starrykwaii | coldplay | Klavier | kiffypoof | cbseung | yeolimerent | pcysarcasm | yeolsgot_theguns | Stephaniesomelette | jongincident | Chanology | baekyeolangst | ohsehunseoul BlazeJones | lordkrisdemort | towardsthestars | krissuwu | chanyeoloving | lolistar92 | HunnieDae | baekpupniyeol | honey_peach | uwubyun | mintokki | chanbabie | tulipsNroses | whatisachanbaek | koizoras | HunIka | YatLuvB | Justawriter68 | | baekmochi04 | subloey | likelikeLove | woowa | SuperBaekTrash | ripefruityeolda | Leelia | xinghly | Cloverlovexo | cottoncheeks | fluffybrowniees | loeysbaby | Happy_Byun | Misun | suhologist | aestaeticism| jellybyunee214 | chanbaekedt | Biancanoir1001 |

We would like to give our sincerest thanks to our pinch hitters: halCYonstars, exobubz, baekyeolkr

And to the writers who wished to be anonymous.

And thank you too to the betas, friends, readers, and those who had given so much comments for giving this exchange much love and support. We have a total of 107 entries, with a total of approximately 2,895,924 words!

Congratulations to xinghly for guessing the most (20) entries and authors! Good job, baecon!

Before revealing which entry is from which author, a few words from our mods:




Before we go to the actual reveals, we’d like to say a few more things!
To the writers who weren’t able to finish their works within this fest’s deadline but still wish to continue with your present prompt, please contact the mods through emails ( with the following format

Subject: [BAE202020] (username) adopting (BAE#)
Body of email: (You can put any message in the body. It’s optional but we’ll appreciate it if you can include your exact prompt in here. Thank you!)

PROMPT ADOPTION (for those that have not participated this year) will open on July 1, KST. Please stay tuned and check our twitter page for further details.

The much awaited reveals!
The post is long and your patience is greatly appreciated. BAE Mods are more than proud to reveal the wonderful authors who have given their all and so much more. Here is BAE 2020’s masterlist with their authors.

We are happy to see new names and authors. Here is a friending meme that you can fill out in the comments sections to get to know your author/reader better. You could also leave messages for the mods!:)





Sincerely, the Baekyeol fest & exchange, BAE Mods.

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